Monday, March 11, 2013

Evolutionary Psychology: An Inconvenient Truth

Many people hate Evolutionary Psycholgy! Why? EP forces humans look at some painful realities of human existence.  One painful thing EP forces to look at, for example, is that when a woman ages, she is danger of losing her mate through mate desertion. This especially happens when the mate has access to younger more reproductively viable females.

I call this an inconvenient truth. From the title of Al Gore's book on global warming. I actually seen this happen! At work, a woman we will call Donna new that I was into EP and for some reason she confided me. She asked if I thought her husband could be cheating on her. I looked at the facts. She was a woman in the early 40s. Woman at this point are near the end of their child bearing years. Her husband worked as controller in a company. I told her that it was likely. It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear and she didn't talk to me for a few days. Turns out about 6 months later they divorced. Now I don't no the reason for the divorce, but I can probably assume with a high degree of probability that the husband was cheating. EP has many inconvenient truths. The question is that if this paradigm shift is useful? I think the paradigm is useful, but you have to have a strong stomach!

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